Tuesday, March 31, 2009


She goes by the name Central . Lost , confused , and fearful she stands . Everyday would be a new situation in her world . Torn between lonely and careless she could not decided .Lonely wanted to be loved . He saw her as his savor taking him away from the place he called alone . He needed a home full of love , cares and ambition to stay and never walk away . So with sympathy she decided to give a chance . Things went good for a while but suddenly they changed . Central and lonely would never be the same . Their pages were never the same number . Eye to eye came no closer. Central then lost interest and was captured by careless. Because he never cared , in a strange way central was caught . She saw something in him that no one else seen . She felt like the challenge to his heart would be rather intriguing .She has always had it easy dealing with guys . But careless was a prize she wanted to earn . So therefore she made her move .Careless gave her the opportunity to make him compassionate . The job was not easy but she accomplished her goal .Careless was hers . Unfortunately she once again came into contact with lonely . Because of his sweetness she gave him another chance after all his was quite the gentleman. But a friendship was all she wanted . Lonely insisted on making it more .She became caught up and feared that careless would realize her a fear with lonely . Once again she broke lonely 's heart . She chose careless . Lonely decided to be alone once more . When will he ever find a happy home . Miserable She now becomes dealing wit the careless ways of careless . She reaches out for lonely but tired he stands of her lies and misleads . Central left in a world that surrounds her with disappointing faces .

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